Wednesday, January 28, 2009
January 28,2009 Good News
OK, I have not posted in a while. On Dec. 12, 2008 we went back to Emory only to hear the good news. Emory Review Board had approved the compassionate waiver for Nick. Dr. Stulting's office said that they would call us as soon as they had the surgery scheduled. We got a call about three weeks ago from Dr. Stultings office and the surgery is for February 12, 2009.
Just to let you know more detail to the compassion from Dr. Stulting. In the first place he like all the other doctors could have turned us away. We were willing to out of the country for a doctor to see Nick. Before Dr. Stutling excepted to process the waiver, he asked many of the doctors preforming the surgery if they would take Nick and NO one wanted to. This surgery is complicated in that patients are not put to sleep like Nick will be. Dr. Stultings office have to transfer all the surgery equipment across town to the Emory OR to preform the eye surgery. We do not know how much it will cost but how much is vision worth, Priceless.....
As I write this, I am crying. Since Dec. 12, 2008 I have been putting off even thinking about this much less writing down the reality. I will try to post more often to keep everyone updated with this.
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