On February 12, 2009, Nick went to the
eyecenter@emory.edu. Dr. Stulting and staff applied for a compassionate waiver for the Collagen Cornea Cross-linking
Emory Eye Center in September, since Nick did not qualify for the clinical trial. Nick needed anesthesia to
have the procedure so it had to be performed in the Emory OR. That meant Kathie had to transfer the CXL equipment across town to the Emory OR. All of this was huge, I mean Hugh in the way of effort from writing the compassionate waiver, filling the insurance and then the procedure. Emory and ourselves went into this blind. Well, what I mean is that NO one knew how thick Nick's cornea was because Dr. Stulting and staff were not able to get a measurement until February 12, the day of the procedure. Because Nicholas has advanced Keratoconus, we knew his corneas was thin especially in the right eye. Remember in July, his right eye ruptured, which is an indication of the very thinned cornea. It was hoped that the left eye would be thick enough for the CXL procedure.
"Sad to say It was not thick enough so Dr. Stulting could not do the CXL procedure. So our only option is a corneal transplant. If you watched our cast video, you will very much understand what we could be in for with a cornea transplant. With a corneal transplant you
can not touch your eye for a whole year. The stitches stay in for a year. We know that this is something that we have got to look at but for right now, we are just trying to recover from the sad sad news from Thursday.
I would like to take this time to thank Dr. Stulting, Paul, Kathie and Patsy for caring. The time,enery and effort you gave will always be remembered.
If you have read this blog and wanted to give a thanks to these guys they can be reached at plarson@emory.edu , doyle.stutling@emoryhealthcare.org, I will need to get the other addresses. It is going to be a long road ahead, just keep Nick and us in your prayers
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